Donavan's Word Jar
Donavan Allen doesn’t collect coins, comics, or trading cards like most kids. He collects words—big words, little words, soft words, and silly words. Whenever Donavan finds a new word, he writes it on a slip of paper and puts it in his word jar. But one day, Donavan discovers that his word jar is full. He can’t put any new words in without taking some of the old words out—and he wants to keep all his words. Donavan doesn’t know what to do, until a visit to his grandma provides him with the perfect solution.
: Black Author, Black Character
: MonaLisa De Gross, Cheryl Hanna
: Houghton Mifflin
: 1994
: 9780547073798
: 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, Early Elementary
Reading Book
: English


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